Don Murphy is STILL a TWAT

It’s over 2 years now since the short Wookie known as Don Murphy announced on his forum to his army of ‘stooges’ that my website, Transformers The Movie, was breaking copyright rules, stealing images and would be shut down by Paramount within weeks.

No matter how much I insisted that no, not only would we not be shut down, but Paramount had actually helped us with the site, he wouldn’t listen, and used name calling and bullyboy tactics to try to drum up support among the morons who hung on every word he uttered.

Still, 2 years on, our site is still there and Don has done nothing. No wonder Tarantino smacked him in the face.

I even bumped the first thread a year ago for the 1 year anniversary of Don’s threats, but sadly he locked the thread so we can’t bump it anymore. It’s still there though, so feel free to go have a look at one of Hollywood’s more childish film producers have a hissy fit that he isn’t getting his way.

Look out for the toys being flung from his pram though 😉

He then followed up that original post with two more threatening threads, designed to strike fear into the hearts of every UK transformers fan. What a gimp.

Darren Jamieson

Darren Jamieson, aka MrDaz, is the Technical Director and co-founder of Engage Web and has been working online in a career spanning two decades. His first website was built in 1998 and is still live today.

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