Over the years I have accepted the odd guest post on this site, so I thought it only fair I made it official and started accepting guest posts properly. So, if you’d like to submit a guest post for MrDaz.com, here’s the rundown on the rules.
- All posts must be 100% original and not posted elsewhere online (I do check this stuff)
- The post must be relevant to the theme of the site but, as the theme of the site is pretty scattershot, that gives you some leeway. It could be about Online Marketing, general complaining, reputation management or an exposé on some company – it’s pretty broad really.
- All posts must be at least 400 words
- Posts must come with an author profile and ideally a photo of the author
- Links to social media accounts are preferred, such as Twitter and Google+
- Please submit all ideas for guest posts to me using the below form
- One credit, or site link, is allowed in the author profile