HSBC email phising scam

I just received the following email from HSBC, only read carefully, because it’s not from them at all. It’s another one of those awful phising emails, but I love the really poor grammar which makes it obvious.

Please note that our system recently noted that your attemption of signing on to your account was failed while some errors occurred during the processing update of your online account you are having with our bank.

We sincerely hereby to notify you that you should kindly follow below link to Login to your online account for your security safety ensured by our financial institution.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you choose to ignore our request, your account may leads to be temporarily suspended.

HSBC email phising scam

Naturally the link that appears to go HSBC doesn’t, it goes to an IP address that is a copy of their site. If you have the Netcraft toolbar installed on your Firefox it will jump in at this point and stop you, like this:


If however you use something a little less secure you may well find yourself giving the scamming bastards your bank login details.

The moral here, use Firefox, install the Netcraft toolbar and if your ‘official’ banking emails read like they have been written by a Nigerian with only the most basic grasp of English, it’s because they have.

What is the most Chav car?

As I’ve had threats from Nissan Skyline owners and Citroen Saxo owners recently due to the chav car website I thought I’d ask the question here. What is the worst chav car? If you have any thoughts on the issue, or maybe there’s a car you think should be on here, let me know in the comments.

What is the worst, most chavest car?

  • Citroen Saxo (31%, 33 Votes)
  • Vauxhall Nova (30%, 32 Votes)
  • Vauxhall Corsa (14%, 15 Votes)
  • Ford Escort xr3i (11%, 12 Votes)
  • Nissan Skyline (6%, 6 Votes)
  • Peugeot 106 (3%, 3 Votes)
  • Ford Sierra Cosworth (3%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 105

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Video Games News Website

Since I left GAME in 2004 I’ve been out of the games industry circle, often blissfully unaware of such important dates as the release of GTA IV (April 29th btw) and other such vital games related information.

Thankfully I’ve stumbled upon (or rather had a hand in) the new video games news website Just Video Games.

Video Games

The design is really sleak and sexy and it’s updated with the latest games related news and press releases. At least now I’ll know when stuff is coming out in advance without the benefit of those GAME bulletins coming round every week.

CSA gives me lots of traffic

Due to my many blogs on the corrupt and incompetent Child Support Agency I seem to be getting a substantial amount of traffic from people searching for them. Whilst looking through my web stats I noticed all of these searches on Google have meant different people have found my website since January 1st this year, that’s less than 1 month.

2 weston road crewe csa
bmw csa wanted
can csa find a place of work
csa , no address
csa 2 weston road crewe
csa and mortgage payments
csa any good?
csa can i claim travel costs
csa cant claim arrears if they dont have correct address
csa changed my arrear payments
csa claim travel
csa complaints
csa complaints about amount i pay
csa complaints address
csa complaints letter
csa complaints paying too much
csa crewe
csa cunts
csa daz
csa daz youtube
csa deduction of earning not enough money to pay bills
csa fail
csa get it wrong again
csa hate mail
csa have made me go bankrupt
csa hell
csa incorrect arrears
csa insurance company complaints
csa leigh eglon
csa lose my house
csa making me bankcrupt
csa mortgage variation
csa not paying my wife the money
csa over charging
csa owe me
csa property rental income
csa scum
csa take money out of savings
csa took my car
csa travel expenses
csa variation 8%
csa variation forms
csa variation loans
csa variation solicitor
csa variation travel
csa weston road
csa wife working
csa write complaint letter
csa variation
csa your rights
escape paying csa
fuck csa
mr daz csa
mrdaz csa

I hope all of those people found what they were looking for on I aim to help!

John Chisholm in interracial rape threat

John ChisholmThis didn’t take long did it? The saxperience crew are off again throwing threats across the Internet, safe in their own forum and completely ignorant of the fact that I’m a member, and can use the Internet. For example, member John Chisholm wants to get a big black man to rape me, for some reason.

You can see by his Facebook page that he’s got issues with interracial rape.

This idiot thinks by using a fake email I won’t find him.

The thread is a good read, very amusing (if you ignore the threats of rape and having a SaxP meet outside my house). I particularly liked these comments:

If he’s supposedly a web developer, he’s not a very good one! I could make a better website on that free Geocities thing!!


why dont you code a website about his car? tit for tat can be fun if you can both stand back and have a laugh. I think he’s laughing If his code is sloppy then you can easily get better google ranking

I don’t know, little boys eh? Keep the backlinks coming though kids, it’s all good for me. Don’t tell anyone, but it’s because you link to me that I rank #1 for phrases like Scott Newham. If you can easily get a better Google ranking than me, I must be shit at my job, cos that’s what I do.

Good luck!

Scott Newham still drives a gay Saxo

Today I received an email from Scott Newham regarding this post. Seems Scott’s girlfriend found the post when Googling his name. I’m not surprised when you see that my site ranks #1 in Google for Scott Newham.

The reason for all of this fun was a couple of years ago (I think, was it that long?) Scott pasted my contact details into the forum of a Saxo website and solicited everyone there to phone me up and threaten me, which they did. Very entertaining it was as well.

I guess Scott didn’t realise I’d be able to find him based on his post, and expose what he did. Here’s Scott’s email from today.

From:Scott Newham <>
Subject: RE: Response to post blog entry dated October 10th, 2007

Hi Daz,

I can understand how you can still feel bitter about the events that occurred last year however I thought that maybe everyone had buried the hatchet on those issues.

However I was alerted by my girlfriend as to a website that appeared when she typed my name into google.

You seem to have made some incriminating allegations against me which are completely untrue. Apart from posting your readily available personal information up on a public website, I never once acted upon this information and called you, let alone threaten you. I’m not sure where you’re unfounded allegations have risen from?

I would like to discuss this issue in person as I’m sure you are aware that what you are doing is defamation of character which is illegal and therefore amounts to libel.

I look forward to hearing your reply.


Hmm, I don’t believe anything is unfounded at all, he even admits in the email that he pasted my contact details up on a public forum. He doesn’t state that he then asked others to phone me though. Luckily I do have a copy of the thread, I make a point of doing this sort of thing.

I then received this email within 10 minutes:

From: Craig Armstrong <>
Subject: Scott Newham

I would suggest you join to justify your comments made about Scott and his saxo. I for one can vouch that a) Scott is not a chav, b) his car has been suitably modified for track use adn c) you appear to be giving him a hard time for no reason whatsoever.

I think you need to grow up, stop being so unnecessarily abusive and at least go part wat to justifying your claims. Unless you have evidence of any of the claims made against Scott I would suggest you remove your abusive comments or risk facing legal action against you and your website.

Most Sincerely


So now I’m being threatened with legal action. As the ground they are stood on is somewhat shaky I’ll not hold my breath over that. What I have said about Scott is true, he does drive a gay Saxo. In my opinion it is gay, and my opinion cannot be challenged in court my Scally friend.

So, in summary, if you don’t want your name plastered over a website and to rank #1 in Google for a search on your name, don’t post my contact details and ask people to crank call me. It pisses me off.

If however someone would like to crank call me now, go for your guns. I have a great podcast section on this website just waiting for your call.

eBay boss quits amid disappointing $500 million 53% profit increase!

Meg Whitman, the boss of eBay and person who guided them from humble beginnings in 1998 to become the giant they are today is to retire as a result of their ‘poor’ performance in Q4 2007, the Guardian reports.

The company’s profits for the three months to December jumped by 53% to $531m (£271m). But its guidance on its prospects for the year fell short of analysts’ expectations, prompting concern about a slowdown in the volume of merchandise put up for sale on the site.

What sort of World do we live in where a 53% increase in profits leading to £271 million can be considered failure?

If however eBay are looking at ways to increase the number of items listed on their auction site, I have a few ideas.

Firstly, allow people to list PS2 games if you don’t have a PayPal account. You currently must have PayPal and offer it as a payment option when listing PS2 games. I presume this is the same for other video game formats.

Secondly stop charging people FOUR times when they list items on eBay and accept payment through PayPal. I’ve already ranted about this before, so if eBay is serious they should take note. Charging me a listing fee, a final sale fee, a PayPal transfer fee and a PayPal withdrawal fee when I sell a DVD for 99p is not going to tempt me to do it again.