The Brew Cards – an office game to decide who makes the teas and coffees

We’ve been playing this game at Engage Web since we started the company, so we thought it about time we made the rules all official like (seeing as I keep getting told I’m making them up) and put them down in Infographic format. The game is simple – if you’re in an office and you want a tea or coffee, but don’t fancy making one for everyone, simply ting your mug – follow the game from there. You’ll be hooked.

Engage Web's The Brew Cards Game Infographic
Courtesy of Engage Web

Demystifying SEO

We’ve just added a new infographic to our Engage Web website on demystifying SEO. It aims to explain many of the aspects of SEO and what is involved in the process, using the concept of a car on the open the road. Without demystifying the windscreen you won’t see where you’re going, and this demystifies the SEO process.

Let me know what you think.

Engage Web's Demystifying SEO Infographic
Courtesy of Engage Web