BT debit me £68.50

I’ve just checked my bank statement and sure enough BT have debited £68.50 from my account for 1 month’s broadband. That’s SIXTY EIGHT POUNDS FIFTY for Internet!

I don’t have a phone, so don’t make any phone calls. My broadband is £21.99, my line rental is £11. They have stolen the rest, despite promising to reduce my direct debits from £39.50 to £33. The thieving money grabbing bastards. I am cancelling the direct debit and will insist that BT refund me, and bill me only for what I use monthly

Absolute scum.


Sponsored Review

Who’d have thought that Wales, Grand Slam winners 2 years ago, would crash out of the World Cup so spectacularly yesterday to Fiji? Being Welsh this was something of a downer, but I imagine a few people made some money on the game through betting with the odds stacked against Fiji.

I’ve tried this myself many times by betting on Champions League games and Premiership matches, but usually lose out. Using a site like makes this all very easy though. With services like online poker you don’t just need to know about which team is likely to beat which other team, though let’s face it your money’s probably safe if you stick it all on New Zealand to win the Rugby World Cup (just don’t blame me if they lose to Ireland in the quarter final!).

The real money of course in betting on Football matches is betting on the first scorer or correct score finishes. You can even set up your own accumulator bets without having to stroll down the bookies and listen to all those drunk old geezers telling you how they’ve inside tips on the horses.

I’ve used online betting sites like this for a few years now, with varying degrees of success. I did win betting on Liverpool’s champions league success in 2005 – but then lost in 2007. That Milan goal was blatantly hand ball.

Mr Daz phones the Police again

If you remember a few weeks ago I tried to break into my house in Wales as the locks had been changed by my ex-wife’s father and he’d refused to give me the key. The police were called and it was all highly amusing. I haven’t finished editing the video yet (yes, I filmed the whole event!) but just to wet your appetite for this I’m adding the podcast now of when I phoned the Police from outside the ex-wife’s father’s house.

This one’s a right laugh, and the video that accompanies it is even better.

Notice how the police tell me the opposite of what they said the week before.

BT promise to reduce my direct debit

I wasn’t going to add this podcast because the lady from BT was quite helpful, however everything she told me she’d do she hasn’t – so here it is. When you listen to this take note that she promises that BT will reduce my direct debit from £39.50 to £33, I will get a call back within 24 hours about my complaint and I will get a letter detailing my Direct Debit reduction.

Did any of this happen? Well I did get a letter, but instead if saying how my Direct Debit was being reduced, it instead told me they were increasing it to £68!

Fuck me!

Did I get a call back from BT about my complaint? Did I bollocks. I’ve also been unable to raise them again via email, as a previous blog showed when they asked for feedback about how well they’ve dealt with my complaint – when they haven’t even dealt with it at all. It’s good to talk.

BT ask MrDaz for feedback

Digital Research just sent me an email on behalf of BT asking for feedback about the way BT dealt with my last complaint. As a recap, BT charged me £39.50 TWICE for one broadband account when I should have been charged around £32 once.

They have since sent me a bill saying they would increase me payment to £68, despite telling me over the phone that they would reduce it.

Here’s the email:

Dear BT customer,

BT is keen to improve the experience it provides to its customers. You recently contacted BT and should have received a response back from BT by email.

BT is interested in your opinion on the way that they handled your email.
Please click on the following link below to provide your feedback.
(if the address is not clickable or it has wrapped onto two lines, please Copy and Paste the full link into the Location or Address bar of your web browser)

Please answer each question based on the response you received back from your initial email. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Many thanks,
eDigital research – on behalf of BT eCustomer Service

Naturally I filled it in with great detail, and even linked here for some choice blogs. You see, the funny thing is BT haven’t responded to my email. Surely, before asking for feedback on how well you’ve dealt with a complaint you should actually DEAL with the complaint?


Google says YES to cloaking

Doug the Ninja of the SEO Ninjas has found an interesting discovery on Google. It seems the boys from the G are allowing sites to advertise with them under their Adwords program for the term SEO, and all they do is build doorway pages and cloaking pages for their clients.

What this means is the website Google is promoting is in direct violation of their webmaster guidelines. Sounds like a little bit of hypocrisy to me.

Read the full story here.

Banned from the Skyline Owners forum

I tried to communicate with the Skyline Owners Forum people at their forum but sadly received this message after trying to post:

You have been banned for the following reason:
Cock sucker.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Which to be honest is quite amusing. I also tried to explain to the seemingly backward thinking people that posting up someone’s contact details and prompting others to make threatening phone calls is illegal, as has already happened on saxperience last year, and this was the reply:

Here is another suggestion, why don’t you shut the **** up you sad pathetic little prick. Do you honestly think for one second that the threat of Police or approaching th hosting company gives any weight to anything you say?

Honestly, they will take you about as seriously as when your girlfriend says “It doesn’t matter, it happens to ALL men”

Nothing illegal has been said or done, in fact, you are more likely to be done for supporting defamation through your website, so I suggest you shut the fuk up and piss off back to your cave you hobbit.

Can’t say I didn’t try. Mind you I do seem to bring this on myself as some of the sites I run depend on this kind of controversy. If it weren’t for morons like this I wouldn’t be as successful as I am now.

Thanks Skyline Owners Forum. You guys are a real hoot.

USB Nerd launches

Being the kind of person to buy domain names and do very little with them (you’d be amazed if you knew how many I had, at least it’s all offset against tax!) it gives me great pleasure to reveal I’ve actually done something with one such domain.

Drum roll please… after many months deciding what to do with it, and indeed pondering the wisdom of buying it in the first place I have finally worked out what to do with the domain name:

Yes, yes. I know, it’s a bit geeky. In fact, it would have been very geeky if hadn’t already been registered.

What have I done with the site? Head over and have a look. It is the first of what I hope will be many niche targeted shopping sites in my cannon of websites, focusing on the Geek delights of USB Gadgets.