While bored yesterday we knocked out this quick TV advert for Direct Line. They paid out someone else when my car was stolen and then tried to repossess the car. This advert showcases their best points in their insurance policies.
Monthly Archives: December 2007
WordPress upgrade again
The guys at WordPress have just released a new version, 2.3.2 which promises to fix a few important security bugs. They recommend you upgrade immediately, as I have done with this blog.
WordPress 2.3.2 is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts. 2.3.2 also suppresses some error messages that can give away information about your database table structure and limits and stops some information leaks in the XML-RPC and APP implementations.
The moron phoned back
Just like he promised, the idiot who wanted me to tell him how he could make money online phoned back. Trouble was this was just as my flatmate was coming in pissed up. You’ll notice his voice, he’s the one I had to bleep out twice.
This moron started by saying how he has websites and he’s making some money, but then reveals he was lying. He doesn’t have any sites at all.
Still, this makes for a great podcast, so thanks mate!
Tell me how to make money online NOW!
I’ve just had a phone call from some guy who I’ve never met asking me if I can tell him how to make money online. It’s Saturday night, he’s withheld his number and he’s getting angry that I won’t spare my time to tell him how to get rich from the Internet.
For a second I thought this was the Fonejacker, some part of me thinks it maybe, but who knows.
I’ve had emails before from people asking advice on affiliate marketing and if they’re good questions from people who are trying but need help I’ll reply. If they’re just from people asking me how they can make money I don’t. When I get a phone call from some moron demanding to know how to make money…
Anyhow, listen to this idiot and the crap he comes out with. I missed the beginning of the call, but I recap for you. Then I’ll post the second call where he phoned me back and my drunken Stoke house mate got involved. He wasn’t as tolerant as I was.
Transformers don’t kill people, Americans do
I just heard on Sky news that there’s another public outcry trying to stop children playing with toy guns. The BBC takes a different slant on it, saying the British Government are in favour of boys playing with toy guns.
In guidance for nurseries in England, the Department for Children, Schools and Families says staff should resist a “natural instinct” to stop such play.
This has often been a source for annoyance to me, especially after the USA stopped selling the Transformer Megatron when he was reissued by Takara in Japan. The Americans don’t like the idea that Megatron is a realistic replica of a gun, a Walther PPK to be precise, yet in the stores that won’t sell Megatron in America you can actually buy a real Walther PPK.
Something’s not right there. What the yanks fail to realise is that nobody in the history of human kind has been shot and killed by a Megatron. You see, he’s a toy. Made of plastic. He turns into a robot. He does not shoot bullets.
Real guns however are not toys. They are not made of plastic. They do not turn into robots. They shoot bullets.
I’d suggest that America doesn’t ban Transformers, but instead concentrates on banning the things that actually kill people… Americans Guns.
Fancy a used Mac son?
I’ve always been a PC kind of guy, especially when I’ve worked in a design agency and have been surrounded by Mac loving design nerds all claiming their Macs were infinitely better than my PC. I felt I had to defend myself, even though yes the PC and Windows in general has, shall we say, a few issues.
However I’ve also always been an ASP guy as opposed to PHP, yet have found myself recently straying down the PHP path for it’s somewhat better support and fewer security holes.
For this reason I will at least promise to look at a Mac, if only to complain and criticise at every step. In doing so I wanted to look for used macs and found this very Amazon influenced website dealing in used macs and Mac parts.
Great if you like that sort of thing. I’m new to the whole G4 lingo (thinking they were a pop band) so have to start from scratch when it comes to working out what is what in terms of Mac products. Luckily they seem to have everything catered for on the website.
The thing that did draw me in though was the video editing section. I have been trained on the PC system Avid so know what a professional video edit suite can do, yet again everyone I speak to harps on about how the Mac is better at editing videos as well. DV Warehouse has a lot of choice in this department so if I want to go down that road I won’t be stuck for options.
I’ll start small though and use a Mac laptop for a week as a test. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Cast your vote, will Direct Line Insurance compensate me?
After what happened with Royal & SunAlliance, where they shirked their responsibilities for over a year and then eventually caved in when they saw the bad press they were getting both here and in the SERPs, do you think Direct Line Insurance will also see sense and compensate me before it gets too messy for them?
They’re the imbeciles who paid out the wrong person when my car was stolen, recovered and then fraudulently claimed on by my ex-wife. They then placed a stolen marker on the car saying they wanted me to hand it over to them, and refused to speak to me on the matter. Over a year later they admitted via letter and taped phone call that they were in the wrong and should have done more to discover the true owner of the car earlier, but insisted that they were not responsible for my car being frozen in limbo during that time.
Obviously they were responsible, they’re the idiots who paid out the wrong person and refused to speak to me. They have ADMITTED their error in writing, yet they still say they won’t compensate me.
Well, now I’ve beaten RSA so convincingly, I’m turning my attentions to Direct Line Insurance. They either compensate me to the tune of what I have demanded, or this thing escalates to the likes of which they couldn’t possibly imagine.
Do you think they’ll buckle? Do you think they’ll stand firm? Cast your vote now.
Will Direct Line Insurance give in to my demands and compensate me?
- No (60%, 9 Votes)
- Yes (40%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 15

Incidentally this website now ranks on page 3 of Google for Direct Line Insurance, and page 1 for Direct Line Insurance Claims Department. The stats for this site read like a veritable list if car insurance related terms and companies. Talk about bad press!
I’ve got my Jedi outfit back
You might know that I’ve recently been attempting to recover my 2 Michael Jackson tour jackets and my Star Wars Jedi Knight costume from my old house in Wales. As with a great many of my possessions in that house they were removed by ex-wife.
Well, after going through my solicitor and visiting my old house this week I found that they had been returned. Great stuff, if only the Jedi outfit had been there in time for the office Christmas party last week, then I could have worn something truly Seventies.
As it stands I haven’t worn the Jedi costume since Halloween 2006, which was a great night for many reasons. If and when I ever wear it again, if I have half as good a time I’ll be delighted.