Teenagers and their misuse of Twitter


Twitter’s great isn’t it? It’s that place where you can say what you want, no matter how offensive or racist, and nobody cares. It’s all anonymous and nobody ever gets into trouble for anything. Even if you did go too far, if that were even possible, you can always delete your tweet and then the problem goes away.

No, wait. Hang on. That’s not right at all is it?

No, when you post something online, like Vegas, it stays online… forever. As for the not getting into trouble, that’s Continue reading Teenagers and their misuse of Twitter

Carphone Warehouse Manager calls me a tosser

Regular readers of this website may remember when I caught out an employee of Carphone Warehouse lying on the blog. They pretended to be a customer of theirs, yet used their work email address (pretty stupid, I know) and the resulting blog from this lie caused even more idiocy in the comments.

Well, now another member of Carphone Warehouse (one of their store managers) has decided to wade in to the abuse, calling me an ‘absolute tosser’. His full comment is below, with his grammar unedited.

Is this really the standard of employee that Carphone Warehouse attracts? If ever my decision to avoid that company like the plague needed reaffirming, this has done it. Thanks ‘Andy’.


I appreciate this may be well overdue, and you may not even check this pathetic excuse for a website.

But you sir, are an absolute tosser.

Instead of having a “little bitch fit” on your own little pathetic website, why not try and sort the problem.

Yes CPW has changed over the years, and I pray that you have changed also.

CPW is filled with consultants and managers who want to help YOU, the customer, but this is not always pretty and straightforward when issues arise that have a strict policy to follow.

It is also not pretty and straightforward when we follow warranties, policies, regulations etc.

Unfortunately there are a few customers who don’t understand this and feel that the world owes them something and “just because they dropped their phone their entitled to another for free”. (for one little example)

I am a Manager at CPW, I can whole-heartedly say, with honesty in my words I do the very best for my customers but will not bend over backwards for arrogant, self righteous people such as yourself and break polices that good hardworking customers abide by.

So, just to recap, you sir, are an absolute tosser.

Good day

Continue reading Carphone Warehouse Manager calls me a tosser