One thing I’ve noticed from having a high profile blog such as is that when you have something to complain about, people listen. They take note.
If you don’t have a voice getting justice from companies that like to ignore your very existence can be difficult. When their actions, negligence or incompetence goes public however, and thousands of people start seeing just what has been happening, you’ll find action is taken.
Royal & SunAlliance are living testament to that. They went from ignoring me and declaring they weren’t responsible for my car, to paying for it to be picked up in Wales, driven 200 miles and repaired while they gave me a courtesy car.
They’re just one of many. What I’d like to hear though is if anyone has any stories to tell, any complaints, any grievances. If you’re having trouble with an insurance company, with the CSA, with the council… whatever, I want to hear about it.
Your post can be any length, just let me have it. Send your posts to darth_daz AT hotmail dot com (written like that to stop the spam bots).
Remember to include your name, the subject of your post and any links to websites you’re mentioning. If you have a website yourself I’ll give you a link as well. One thing though, it must be original. It can’t have been posted anywhere else on the Internet.
If it’s good enough I’ll guest post it here.
So send me your stories, you could see some action very soon.
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