While watching the BBC Sports Personality of the Year I noticed that one of the Olympic cyclists who wasn’t nominated for the top award was a woman called Victoria Pendleton. I recognised the name, so did a quick Google search, where I found this photo. Ah yes, she was on Jonathan Ross just after the Olympics, where he also showed this photo. Wonder why?
Rossy also did a mock up of the Photo with himself on the bike, a horrid image.
Anyhow, when I Googled her I found an interview she gave to the Telegraph where she criticised motorists in her area who shout abuse at her while she’s out training on her bike. The animals eh?
It is hard to deal with. I am trying to do my training – it is my job. In Manchester when it’s fairly busy I can guarantee there will be one occasion per hour where somebody takes a stupid risk and basically puts me in danger. You are not trying to hold them up. I don’t go out with my bike at rush hour just to **** people off, I wait until it is over. People are very proud, but I wish they were a little more considerate for our cyclists.
It can get you down, it can get quite depressing when people are shouting abuse at you.
Of course, this is all well and good, except that she’s from Wythenshawe, Manchester. When she says that motorists shout abuse at her and almost knock her off her bike, she’s talking about me!
Ahem… sorry 🙂