Student Property Shop request clarification

I’ve received an email from Chris Johnston from the Student Property Shop requesting that I clarify something for him. Chris’ website, is in no way related to the website I blogged about last week, The Student Property Shop known as

Chris’ website and business has been around since June 2005, whereas the website is brand new, and has just taken up residence in Leeds.

Chris writes:

Hi, please would you be able to point out somewhere on your website that ‘The Student Property Shop’ is nothing to do with my website (which I have been running since June 2005). I am currently in a dispute with ‘The Student Property Shop’ about their choice of trading name.

Thank you,
Chris Johnston

No problems Chris, sorry if anyone thought that your website was in any way related to the letting agent in Leeds.

While we’re on the subject of the letting agent in Leeds, we wrote last time how they’d leached an image from the website of My Homez (note, by leached, we mean stolen – that’s an Internet technical term meaning a website is using an image hosted on another website). Well, now it seems that the website for has now been taken down, as the domain name shows a ‘coming soon’ message.

But… they haven’t done it properly. Would you have seriously expected them to?

No, they’ve removed the index page, but left the rest of the website (including the Google Maps which is registered to another website, as explained here). Have a look and see what we mean.

Here’s the home page, removed, and here’s the website, still accessible!

Good work guys, you’ll get it right one day.

Darren Jamieson

Darren Jamieson, aka MrDaz, is the Technical Director and co-founder of Engage Web and has been working online in a career spanning two decades. His first website was built in 1998 and is still live today.

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