What the crap was that about? How the chuff did David Brailsford win the award for best coach? He was the coach of the British cycling team at the Olympics, who admittedly did quite well in Beijing, but seriously… a coach? For cyclists?
What advice and leadership could he have possibly given? Go out there, ride your bike and pedal faster that the other guy. It’s a nonsense. He was up against Fergie for Man UTD’s Premiership and Champions League win, Gatland for Wales’ Grand Slam, and Redknapp for Portsmouth’s FA Cup win. Surely any of those deserved it more?
Coaching a rugby nation or a football side takes real knowledge and tactics, it deserves the acknowledgment. Coaching some cyclists to pedal quicker is a farce. Yes they did well, but be serious with these awards or don’t bother doing them. Bloody joke.
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