A while back the recruitment agency BD Recruitment sent out a spam email to every SEO in the North West, with the contact details visible for all of them. A schoolboy error to say the least. After I posted the tale of how they’d done that, I was contacted by BD Recruitment via Linked In.
The message said thus:
Hi Darren,
I saw your little piece on BD Recruitment on Mr Daz. What can I say apart from everything you said was right. However, Sandra is a trainee and didn’t really think about what she was doing with that email, and will certainly not do it again.
I have worked very hard to get BD Marketing to where it is today. We have testimonials from Mediacom, Mindshare, OMD and many of the top agencies in the World. I have placed many very senior SEM specialists in to various successful agencies around the UK and have also placed people that you know personally.
I’m sorry that you have had this experience with BD but I assure you that this will never happen again.
Paul Lewis
Now that’s all fine, but following this BD Recruitment were contacted and asked not to try and poach our staff by contacting them direct. However they have done this again, via a woman named Stephanie Pender from BD Recruitment.
Just what is it about recruitment agencies and their desire to poach staff from businesses, even if they’ve dealt with the business themselves in the past? They’re just ruining relationships they already have.
Paul, thanks for the apology, but do stick to your word and steer clear. Tell Sandra and Stephanie to do the same.
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