You may remember the posts I made a few weeks ago about the letting agents in Leeds who appeared on BBC Watchdog. The posts generated a lot of comments from angry people who claimed to have had their deposits kept by Providence Properties. They were very angry indeed.
As a result of the posts I also received an email from Providence Properties’ solicitor, who threatened to take me to court if I didn’t remove the posts.
Then I received a phone call from Basharat Zaman asking why I was trying to destroy his company?!?
Well, followers of the excitement take note that this Monday, 22nd of December on BBC One at 19:30 the chaps at Watchdog are doing a follow up on Providence Properties, where they say they’ve managed to get a face-to-face interview with Tariq Zaman. Watchdog have asked me to spread the word on this so as many people as possible watch the show.
Remember, BBC One, Monday 22nd December at 19:30.
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